Little Prince Liam

I will try my best to keep pictures and stories up-to-date! Liam is growing so fast its hard to keep up. I find myself carrying the camera around because I'm afraid I'll miss something.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So me and Jeremy have gotten in touch with some old friends lately...I hadn't been talking to my best friend from HS very much. She has her own family and we are both always I get it for sure. It was so nice to talk...we've actually been talking quite a bit lately. Its almost like the old days. Except of course for the fact that she's in Florida and I'm still in AR. lol.

Jeremy also got in touch with his old friend from the NAVY! He really needed that. He moved all the way down here with me and left all of his friends in Tulsa. We left so suddenly that we didn't even have time to tell many ppl that we were leaving...I'm glad he got in touch with his friend...He seems much happier now!

New Job...Yay!!

So Jeremy got a new job. It's at target as LP. I didn't expect anything to come out of that lead, but he went to the interview and came out with a decent paying, promoted job! He really got a confidence boost out of it.

We have been looking for a job for him for months. Its like there was nothing. But here this is! Thank God!


So..lately...I've been doing a new thing called FlyLady! It has totally helped me get organized. The house is cleaner, My family is happier, and so am I.

It involves lots of lists---which I love. I have become an organization fanatic! I like to write down recipes, or cut them out of magazines, and put them in a special folder called the 'control journal'.

In my control journal I have my 'Morning Routine', my 'Evening Routine', my 'Weekly Routine', my 'Meal Planner', and my 'Shopping List organizer'! I've been cleaning up a new favorite thing to do is shine my sink...yeah...thats what I said. Shining your sink is like flyladys way of making visual your mental hopes of cleanliness and organization. It's so nice, its the last thing I do at night and the first in the morning.

Being so organized has given me more confidence, and it seems to have opened up more time for me to do things like read and watch movies...those moments are hard to come by with a newborn!

Mr. Leap!!

My Dady and StepMom bought Liam this Leap frog when he was born...we didn't get it until a few weeks ago. And I'm kind of glad too! When we finally got it, he was finally old enough to show preferance to certain toys. This is his favorite. So much so that we call him Liams buddy Leap!

He laughs so hard when we 'tick Leaps belly' and he sings the ABC's. Its even better when Mommy sings along...he thinks its so funny.

A little behind on the Buzz!

Well..I got the most wonderful nap today. Then I woke up with all this energy and I didn't know what to do with it. I thought I'd play on the comp., but apparently I've completely run out of things to do online. Then I thought I would clean, but I wasn't feelin' it. Then, while I was reluctantly watching tv in Tia's room, I saw her Twighlight books. I picked the first one up and started reading!

And I loved it! I read like 6 chapters and was so mad when I had to put it down! I don't know whether to feel like a dork or a Pop culture enthusiast!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Artsy Sister!

Look what my lil' sis did with photoshop! Shes so good!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Liam went to see his Mimi at work today! He had such a great time helping her with her work. Everyone came to her office to see him. They all said how cute he is, and of course he flirted with all the ladies...
